Thursday, November 15, 2007

Think 23: Summary

Fini! I found this to be a very enjoyable and enlightening experience and I am grateful to HCL for the opportunity to be exposed to so many new uses of technology and to have the work time to do it. Although there are certainly some aspects of it that I will not embrace, I am happy to know that they are out there and the basics of how they operate. The "things" I will certainly go further with are RSS feeds, LibraryThing, audiobooks and maybe podcasts. I will give this experience an A+ and would welcome the opportunity to do more. It might be desirable to do this in teams with a more knowledgeable person on each team to make it go more quickly.

Sorry to say, that as my knowledge expanded, so did my waistline. Every time I sat at my computer facing a new challenge, I did so with a Diet Coke and a Snickers at my side. Oh, well - small price to pay!

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